State & Court ACCEPTED

Trusted by millions of drivers

4.9 out of 1753 reviews

Millions of drivers have trusted our courses to reduce points, dismiss tickets, save on insurance costs, earn their driver’s permit, or simply to refresh their driving skills.

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Honest and transparent pricing! Having a straight forward pricing structure is hard to find nowadays. I will recommend them to all friends and family.

John A.

John A. Nevada DMV Point Reduction

This is by far the best defensive driving course that I have taken. By nature defensive driving is boring, but this made it as interesting as it can possibly be. When it's time for a renewal, I'll definitely take this again.

Ameer S.

Ameer S. New Jersey Defensive Driving

I was nervous about taking the course and the exam because I really wanted to get my permit. The course was very informative and I breezed through the exam. Thanks for helping me get my permit!

Peter C.

Peter C. Florida Permit Combo

Although this course was required because I needed to dismiss my ticket, I am quite glad that I chose Drivesafetoday. The course content kept my attention and I downloaded my certificate right away. From A to Z it was perfectly put together.

Priya P.

Priya P. Texas Defensive Driving

This is by far the best defensive driving course that I have taken. By nature defensive driving is boring, but this made it as interesting as it can possibly be. When it's time for a renewal, I'll definitely take this again.

Ameer S.

Ameer S. New Jersey Defensive Driving


Safe Drivers


Insurance Savings


Points Removed


Permits Earned

Why people love DriveSafeToday

Our mission is to teach people how to become safer drivers regardless of their experience level.

9 out of 10 drivers that took the DriveSafeToday course reported learning crucial safe driving tips that they didn't know. Of these drivers, 6 out of 10 have been licensed for more than 10 years!

Honest and transparent pricing! Having a straight forward pricing structure is hard to find nowadays. I will recommend them to all friends and family.

John A.

John A. Nevada DMV Point Reduction

This is by far the best defensive driving course that I have taken. By nature defensive driving is boring, but this made it as interesting as it can possibly be. When it's time for a renewal, I'll definitely take this again.

Ameer S.

Ameer S. New Jersey Defensive Driving

This website helped me remove two points from a traffic violation I received in NJ. The course is a breeze, highly recommend taking the video format course. Added bonus i'm saving hundreds on my car insurance now too!

Akash N.

Akash N. New Jersey Defensive Driving

Totally worth it and super easy. Excellent customer service! You guys are awesome!

Harsh P.

Harsh P. Idaho Defensive Driving

Course was extremely helpful. There are certain things I don't pay attention to from my day to day driving, but this course really helped me focus on those things as well as other factors that make me a better and safer driver.

Amrish P.

Amrish P. Pennsylvania Defensive Driving

I was referred to your website by a friend. I contacted customer support by chat in the middle of the course to ask a few questions and you guys were very helpful. I will continue to refer you to others I know.

Anthony C.

Anthony C. Michigan BDIC

I loved how simple the entire thing is and the the process from registration to completion was smooth. I took this with a competitor of yours in the past and it turned out to be a nightmare. Thank you for making this process so simple!

Cindy T.

Cindy T. California Traffic School

I got a little caught up on registration because i'm not too good with computers, but your support was really helpful and patient with me. Overall wonderful course and wonderful people.

Robert O.

Robert O. New Jersey Defensive Driving

My entire family took your course and really found it to be helpful. We even printed out a few pages for reference. Glad that you helped refresh a few things as I have been driving for a long time and don't really think about it.

George O.

George O. Tennessee Traffic School

Join the millions of drivers that have trusted our courses.

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